28 April 2006

BooBoos of the internet begone!

J. P. W. Griswold

Just a quick update on the main website to fix a few of the booboos of the internet. As usual, I still have a lot of update work to do on the site including replacing some pictures with better versions and putting in pictures that somehow got missed the first time through.

Stay Tuned, it's been busy!

20 April 2006

A lark adventure - part one

Somehow I managed to double post this. Sorry about that, move along now.

A lark adventure - part one

IronAngel Forge

There is a lot to write, but this is just a quick note. On a lark, the wife and I took a quick trip down to Lansing to attend a book signing with an author that the wife has recently begun reading. I not being much of a fiction reader simply went along to enjoy my wife's company, and watch her joy.

I was more than pleasantly surprised to discover that the other attendees at the signing were a fun group, and that the author herself was a hoot. The evening wore on pleasantly, and after a fun question and answer session, the book signing began. We are patient people, and waited til last.

The rest will have to wait for a later post, as there is much fun to write, as well as a bit of a teaser about another project in the shop.

Stay tuned!

05 April 2006

Getting things done

J. P. W. Griswold

Well, we are still working on getting things done, as always. Orders are filling up quickly, and we are as busy as we usually are much later in the summer already at the first of April.

More to come.